October 4, 2012
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Do any of you work from remotely? Do you have aspirations of working remotely after you quit your job like Dan's been yelling you to?
I've been working remotely full time for almost four years. Before I started this gig, I thought the biggest challenges would be things like staying on task and getting the work done, dealing with too much email and other digital communiques. Turns out™, those were the easiest bits to deal with.
In the beginning, I was loving the novelty of not leaving the house during the day. I'd get up in the morning, see my wife off to work, and start my day. French press of coffee, pet the dogs, mug of coffee to my desk in my well-appointed home office. Get some stuff done. It was pretty great. But then. After a few weeks, my wife pointed out that I was getting weird. In the end I figured out that as much of a misanthrope as I am, I still need to be around human beings to not be a crazy person. I've thought about a co-op. b) it would cost more money than I'm prepared to spend but a) there just aren't any of them around my area. So, the closest thing I have is Starbucks. I go to Starbucks most mornings and then spend the afternoons in my well-appointed home office after lunch with my wife.
What's your routine like with working remotely? How do you keep from getting weird? What do you wish you'd known or what would you tell those that are going to quit their job like Dan said?
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