Last Updated:
September 22, 2012
| Version: 1
| 1 follower
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Merlin Mann joins Dan Benjamin to talk about problems that are impossible, problems that are boring, problems that you're scared of, and why you need to differentiate between fear and anxiety so you can be scared of something interesting.
Initially Released May 3, 2011
Runtime 1:07:53
Episode Page Velocity of Disappointment
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You only have an email problem if the IMAP server is down.
If you tried…to think you can help more than 10 or 15 people with exactly the same solution it means you probably don't understand the problem and you probably don't understand the people that you're trying to help.
If you only do non-scary stuff, you're gonna keep having non-scary results.
People are not a solvable problem.
The thing about Sisyphus is does he ever stop and go "Wait a minute, how will I know if this is going great?"
Please be replaced by remembering to pay the bills!
-Merlin, lamenting his D&D knowledge.
Your pencil is never gonna be sharp enough, and neither are you.