Last Updated:
September 23, 2012
| Version: 1
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Dan and Merlin talk about the many facets of strength, including the complexity of knowing what to be strong about, to whom, and when.
It's about way more than nailing the "clean and jerk" or yelling at Sips-His-Coffee-Really-Loud Guy. It's also about accepting all the things they just can't stand about you.
Also covered: the inescapability of Italian disco, maintaining an unassailable lawn, confronting skinny ladies in heels, negotiating D-minus hip-hop, and finding the will to spelunk all the way down the personal productivity stack.
Initially Released November 1, 2011
Runtime 1 hour 20 minutes
Episode Page A Source of Rice with Velocity
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It's like arguing with a sofa. You can feel like you're winning but, you know…
-Merlin, on the strength and the complexity of tolerating teenagers.
Everything seems reasonable from one's own point of view.
It doesn't matter to strangers what you care about. It really doesn't. If you think it matters, you're a hippy. Nobody really cares. Because they've got plenty to care about on their own.