Last Updated:
September 23, 2012
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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TOPIC: Changing Inputs
Dan turns Merlin's technical difficulties into a discussion of discovering and paying attention to things that have a high ROI.
It's not about who you think you are, or the latest and loudest thing. You'll miss something even if you follow 1000 blogs, so remember who you really are.
La pregunta: ¿Que hacer?
Initially Released March 12, 2012
Runtime 1 hour 12 minutes
Episode Page Girl with the QR Tattoo
Intro | Mach Schau! |
About 3 minutes [00:00 - 00:02:53] |
SXSW and Oversharing | A discussion of Dan's SXSW experience leads to discussion of oversharing apps and flying. |
About 10 minutes [00:02:54 - 00:12:49] |
Web Design in a Post-PC Era | The differences between designing for the web "back when Merlin was doing it." |
About 4 minutes [00:12:50 - 00:15:32] |
Followup | Merlin has some followup about TiVO from the last episode of Hypercritical, No More Numbers For You/The Four Tuners. |
About 3 minutes [00:15:33 - 00:18:03] |
SXSW Continued | More on SXSW |
About a minute [00:18:04 - 00:19:22] |
Other Podcasts | Discussion of Merlin's appearance on other podcasts, including a new You Look Nice Today and an appearance with The Phantom Editor. |
About 2 minutes [00:19:23 - 00:21:16] |
Main Topic | Dan hijacks Merlin's technical difficulties and turns them into a discussion of where your time and attention are going. |
About 25 minutes [00:21:16 - 00:47:49] |
Sponsor | Squarespace | [00:47:50 - 00:52:24] |
Main Topic Continued | Appropriate Attention. |
About 20 minutes [00:52:25 - End] |
Skype is is Skype, that's what they say. That's what my granddaddy always used to say.
-Dan [00:00:19]
There'e no model in privacy.
-Merlin [00:04:45]
Oh, yeah, I know. Because Booga Booga Booga you're gonna search my shoes for explosives but my phone might make the plane blow up.
-Merlin [00:09:34]
I've heard it called a Home VAX.
-Merlin, on the definition of a PC. [00:14:44]
It was so funny, how you'd drop into certain menus and it would suddenly look like JPG that, like, somebody had made in their computer science class.
-Merlin, confirming Siracusa's experience with TiVO menus. [00:16:51]
I'd watch people come up and be so confused talking to you.
-Merlin, resolute in his assertion that Dan is impenetrable. [00:18:58]
Whole diner scene with the, with the, with the, Mel's diner guy with the greasy shirt and all the arms? Gone. Youglings, where'd that planet go? Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.
-Merlin, who clearly loves the Phantom Edits. [00:20:40]
I think I would say that if you're setting 10 alarms or 15 alarms throughout the day you're just a slightly more advanced version of Sticky Note guy.
-Merlin [00:33:26]
Your brain makes a really good creative organ, it's a great tool for creating stories and making connections, but it's a lousy alarm clock and a terrible white board. It's better to put that stuff somewhere external.
-Merlin [00:35:06]
Before you can get good at managing your attention, you first have to be aware that you have attention. You're paying attention to things whether you mean to or not.
-Merlin [00:38:14]
You should pay attention to things that you like, but I think you should also learn how to discover and pay attention to things that have a high ROI.
-Merlin [00:45:50]
There's a certain freedom in being an idiot, because you don't even know what you don't know.
-Merlin [00:57:18]
If you're at 100 blogs a day and you still worry that you're missing stuff, you've got a much bigger problem than missing stuff.
-Merlin [01:03:02]
When you let the world decide how big your inbox is, you are mega-screwed.
-Merlin [01:06:50]
I think you can always come up with reasons with why your attention needs to go more of these things, more of these things, all these different things
-Merlin [01:09:36]
There's always somebody out there who doesn't start making money until you forget who you are and until you're not sure what to pay attention to. Those people will never go away, they will never start making money by telling you to leave.
-Merlin [1:09:49]
If you wanna shut this off and go make something, you'll never make me mad.
-Merlin [01:10:10]